
26. An afternoon in Goulburn

 As I preferred to drive one hour over three, I decided to spend some time looking around Goulburn . I only found out recently that it was the first inland city in Australia. At work, we hear the term 'word picture' a lot. My colleague and I think they are just words but on the way to Goulburn there was the most beautiful view that I really wished I could stop and take a picture of, so I am going to try to create a word picture. Looking ahead while descending the hill that curves around Lake George I was struck by the clarity of the day and the warm billowing stream of clouds sitting on the glassy water, spanning the width but nowhere near the height of the dark green hills which joyously touched the deep blue sky. I apologise in advance for the number of photos but you all do realise that this blog is really for me, not you, don't you? I was interested in the Tesla facilities in the Information Centre Carpark. It might be nice to go when all the roses are out. I noticed ro